Saturday, July 14, 2012

Set And Setting

  There is a time and place for everything and burning Code Black incense is no different.  The reader should realize this before attempting any burning and the author will try to explore the right times and the wrong times as follows.

  Code Black incense should be burned on occasions such as these:
  • After a hard day's work
  • On one's own time (when no obligations are necessary)
  • Only around like minded people who enjoy herbal blends like Code Black incense
  • Only after all previous obligations and responsibilities are met
  • At a time when the burner will not be disturbed by others (Code Black incense scents produce a meditative state of mind and many incense burners find it difficult to have to snap back into reality after using it)
  • Only with people one feels comfortable with
    Situations which may arise to make people uncomfortable while burning Code Black incense may include:

  • Around others who do not burn incense or other natural herbage
  • when one has too much on the mind (bills and other mundane worries may cause the burner to overly dwell on these aspects of life while burning Code Black incense)
  • When one has previous engagements or other responsibilities, such as employment
  • At an hour where one may receive company or telephone calls (Code Black incense and other herbal blends tend to make one more introverted and somewhat incoherent, trying to act more alert during these relaxed moments when interrupted by others may be difficult and uncomfortable)
  • In public (Code Black incense should be burned on private occasions away from prying eyes, many see people burning incense and feel the burner is doing something illegal after recent regulations have been passed on only a few chemicals that were included in previous blends)
  • When one has psychiatric disorders or is consuming psychiatric medications (Code Black incense blends may be too intense for some with these disorders or under certain medications.  The author implores these incense burners to explore alternative natural herbs to burn, including those that have been recently legalized in some states for medicinal use)
      As stated in previous posts the burning of herbal blends such as Code Black incense is a private  affair meant to be enjoyed by mature, responsible adults.  The rights of the burner are put in jeopardy each time there is a breach in this protocol.  Government regulation will likely occur against herbal incense if people are burning too much while in situations where burning incense is not advised.

     Above all else the reader is highly advised to remember to be smart about the use of any herbal blends and use common sense!  This golden rule will ensure that herbal blends such as Code Black incense remain legal for those who choose to enjoy their virtues.